Services for Ready Home Buyers

BCS Experts

We provide home buyers significant savings through efficiencies and readiness.

Our Servicers (Agents, Lenders, Coordinators, and  Escrow Professionals etc.) rely on the BCS process to maximize efforts for exclusive pre-negotiated savings.

Let's Start With Truth - Who pays your agent when buying a home?

The seller is not paying for your agent, you are. Sellers increase the purchase price to incorporate a market fee incentive for agents to show their property that you ultimately pay. Don’t you think a seller would accept a lower price if the agent commission was lower? Wouldn’t it be great if it could be less? – It can be.

Why Be An Efficient Buyer

Ask any agent what you can do as a buyer to make buying a home cost less. Be prepared for a blank stare. Excellent processes allow us to focus efforts to reduce waste. Everyone’s time if valuable. By spending it effectively we drive costs down significantly for buyers.

You Benefit For Being Prepared

Advantage Against Competing Bids

The BCS process can give you a significant cushion to compete. This gives you a better opportunity to get the home you want rather than getting beat out. 

Paying Less Can Benefit The Seller

Making a lower offer doesn’t have to reduce what the seller makes. We can show you how it can actually works in your favor as a buyer and theirs as the seller.

Maximize Builder Incentives

Use all of your builder incentives to end up with the home you want. You don’t have to compromise on finishings to pay for closing costs any more.